Castro EU helps by managing and developing relationships with pivotal stakeholders and providing critical political insights
Maintain and develop your relationships with pivotal stakeholders
Stakeholders are more critical than ever, thanks in part to the current media landscape. Digitalization has made it much easier for society to reach politicians through social media. The old-fashioned way of exerting influence by companies is transforming into direct influence from society. In short, public opinion has become a very important aspect that must be included in your organization's public affairs strategy. All these opinions and interests are weighed by administrators and politicians, after which it is translated into policy. The rise of new parties leads to polarization on both the left and the right, which has firmly fragmented the current political playing field. At Castro, we work with your organization to shape a clear narrative and bring it to the right actors within the complex political landscape. Thanks to our years of experience at various political levels, Castro has a very strong political-administrative and official network.
All these opinions and interests are weighed by administrators and politicians and then translated into policy. The rise of new parties leads to polarization, both left and right, which has firmly fragmented the current political playing field. At Castro, we work with your organization to shape a clear message and deliver it to the right actors within the complex political landscape. Thanks to our years of experience at various political levels, Castro has a very strong political-administrative and official network.
Political monitoring
Political monitoring is a specific form of monitoring aimed at following and analyzing news, (political) documents, comments and discussions related to political issues, policies, politicians and parties.
Political monitoring is a specific form of monitoring aimed at following and analyzing news, (political) documents, comments and discussions related to political issues, policies, politicians and parties. Political monitoring by Castro helps navigate the complex world of politics, media and public opinion. The goal of political monitoring is to provide clients with relevant data and trends. When a new relevant document appears (ranging from House of Representatives documents to written questions in a city council), we send it to you. Immediately or in, say, a weekly summary, depending on requirements. This helps in making and understanding policy and business decisions, strategies and the public mood.
Castro has extensive knowledge and experience with political-administrative processes and a very strong (political) network. As a result, we can provide you with good support in the areas of:
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about how Castro EU can help your company or organisation with its government relations.